Process: Natural | Variety: Bourbon & Jackson | Region: Gakenke District | Washing Station: Muhondo | Producer: Wellars Karangwa | Altitude: 1900m
The red berries flavor note here is not just a fluffy adjective - this Rwanda is gloriously fruity and juicy. It’s sweet and soft with a long and mellow aftertaste, and a croissant on the side only enhances its splendor. The Muhondo Washing station offers its community more than just employment; it supports local farmers with logistics, seedlings, water, and organic fertilizers, and even provides valuable agricultural training and access to loans. The Gakenke region benefits from significant rainfall from October to May, resulting in slow coffee growth that enhances aroma and body. For the natural coffee process, the cherries are placed in a floating tank and then sun-dried for 30 to 40 days.